Fitness Talent & Creator Q&A With Bree Mitchell

Q&A With Fitness Talent & Creator Bree Mitchell

So tell us how you joined Endorphinz and your experience with fitness talent?

Prior to joining the Endorphinz Team, I was speaking with them from a client perspective regarding partnership for VOD and LIVE Production. With my years of experience as on-camera fitness talent, and extreme passion for programming and training (both in club and virtually) – we began talking about how the need for up skilling on camera talent was growing. Our conversations led to me joining the team as The Head of Programming, Training, and Talent. Everything happens for a reason!

Tell us more about your background and how you got started in the fitness industry?
I have been involved in sports and dance since I could walk and have always loved music! This led me to love Group Exercise at the age of 8 where I was doing VHS (yes VHS) workouts in our living room with my mom. I then started attending classes in a gym at age 15 that quickly led to me teaching classes at age 17. I studied and graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in Kinesiology and have spent the last 20+ years holding various roles in the fitness space. One role I have consistently held is teaching classes. I have taught classes every single week for 20+ years and it is hands down my passion and purpose. I have also always been in programming and training – holding various roles as a Master Trainer, SVP of Training and Choreography, and most recently SVP of fitness programming. I began teaching on camera in 2011 and since then have shot for many large brands. By joining the Endorphinz team as Head of Programming, Training, and Talent – I am able to merge all of my fitness talent, skills and passions into one!
Please explain to us more about your role at Endorphinz?
As Head of Programming, Training and Talent, I am focused on supporting our clients and production teams in all areas. After joining the team in July, I quickly dove into developing our first Virtual Instructor Certification! This course is designed to help Fitness Talent get Camera Ready as well as how to stand out by identifying and harnessing their own unique It Factor!

What do you think the biggest challenge is that gyms are facing in 2021?


I like to look at challenges as opportunities – so I think the big box gyms and studios have an opportunity to offer a hybrid model of both in person and virtual fitness offerings.


What is one piece of advice you’d give a new fitness creator starting out in the industry?


Lead with passion, invest time and resources into mastering your craft, and focus on the people you are serving!


What is one important fitness video production element you see many fitness brands missing the mark on?
With so many options and decisions from cameras, to lighting, to music, to platforms – I would say not investing enough resources into the quality that is going to make you stand out. The virtual space is competitive and I believe that partnering with those who have the experience and know the production world inside and out is extremely important so you can get the highest quality product to your customers.