5 Reasons Endorphinz Can Save Fitness Brands Time

5 Reasons Endorphinz Can Save Fitness Brands Time

The ability to create a great fitness program for customers is the first step in making life better for fitness creators and their clients. Those with the ability to motivate others to get fit and stay there can be the answer to the prayers of many. Spreading the joy of working out with as many people as possible is now a reality. Online fitness programs are spreading throughout the world, and they are offering an opportunity to find fitness in a new way. They can be scheduled at any time, or a live stream production can be what keeps them on track to reach their goals.

This might appear to be the dream of a lifetime, but the hard realities of getting it done can take a huge toll. Knowing how to create a perfect workout video might be the easiest part of the process. There are many steps, and each one is significant. All of these steps take away time from working out and creating fitness routines that will awe and impress clients, but there is a solution. Endorphinz has the ability to get your video ready for online while saving the cost in time and missteps.

The Time Cost of Studio Building

Creating your own studio is a dream that can contain costly realities when it comes to breaking ground. The planning that goes into any building is enormous, but delays, the need for additional permits, environmental concerns, and even logistics for shipping building materials can turn it into a nightmare. There may be a need to constantly change or update plans, and even those can run into difficulties. Sleepless nights of concern over costs and scheduling can make each day more difficult when facing the need to get a studio up and running before the time or money runs out.

There are solutions to these issues, and Endorphinz has many ways to help. They can save both time and ease the pain point of attempting to build on your own. Studio solutions include planning down to the finest details before building, and design assistance to get everything perfect as the studio comes to life. These alone can be the measures necessary to get that dream studio up and running in a reasonable amount of time without the migraines.

The Time Cost of Live Production

The energy and excitement of a live production is something many fitness creators have found their audiences crave. They know they can motivate people to get a great workout when a live stream show is on the air. Those with experience have also found there can be plenty of issues to solve before, during, and after the production, and Endorphinz can help you save time and headaches with their experienced team.

Many are the issues that can crop up during any production, yet a live program seems to offer many more opportunities. Getting everything set before the show can create a winning program, and you need to be aware of the issues to be able to solve them.

Equipment can become an issue, so mandatory equipment checks should be par for the course before every show. Checking takes a lot less time and aggravation than fixing a complex issue while bringing in backups.

Getting the set just right for displaying your brand is another issue that may be solved well before going live. Knowing what will showcase your brand best is one aspect, and ensuring it is where it should be for audiences to view is another.

Audience participation is what a live show is all about, so choosing a streaming service is important. Looking for one that can handle your production professionally can ensure the show goes out on time without technical bobbles.

Preparation with the technical aspects can often be covered by mandatory equipment checks, but there should be plans in case of a failure. Technical success is easier to achieve when backups are in place.

Recovery from mistakes and missteps may make or break a live show. Presenters will need to be able to recover quickly, and they should be prepared to deal with their own missteps or technical issues. Drawing the audience into their world is a way to motivate, but it can also pave a smoother path when mishaps occur.

The Time Cost of Post-Production

The viewers may not notice small technical issues when backups are in place, but they can stand out when post production begins. Fixing those errors to add a show to the library can cost time and money for your business. One way to solve this issue is to work with Endorphinz. Fast production at any point can be a necessity, and using their post-production service as part of a partnering move is affordable. The outcome will be your creative work that has been meticulously produced step by step to create a video that will shine in your library.

The Time Cost of Talent

Getting the right talent can take a lot of time and effort when it comes to casting calls and making choices. Background checks for experience and social media can also drag on endlessly if there are too many candidates for a particular show. Knowing how to choose excellent presenters without wasting time is just one way Endorphinz can help you.

Bree Mitchell is the head of the Endorphinz talent team, and she has prior experience as a fitness presenter on camera, and she has worked in training and programming in clubs and virtually. She began working with them as a client for VOD and Live Production, and was impressed enough to join the team.

She has been part of the world of fitness creators, and she now shares her experience with clients. Your company can benefit from her years of experience when it comes to finding the right talent for your video.

Time Cost of Training Talent

Few people know exactly what to expect when they take on a new task, and even an experienced fitness presenter may need a bit of time to get a show just right. A fitness production is a cooperative event between the on-camera presenter and the technical support team behind the camera. It does take time for them to mesh, so it should be a cost included in the planning budget.

Experience does help shorten the time, yet there are other ways your company can limit this particular cost. A good trainer can help point out the camera angles necessary, the placement of equipment, and they may even have a few helpful tips to share to get the ball rolling. Easing a new presenter into a show may not be the smoothest process, but partnering with Endorphinz can help cut training time for talent down to a reasonable level.

Getting your video production up and running for a live show can present a mountain of small details that can snowball into an avalanche. Finding a great partner for your production can make it an avalanche of success but helping get it right before, during, and after production.